The brilliant 8-month-old climbs down the bed with ease.

Parents are unconcerned as their baby displays incredible abilities to get out of bed.

Think again if you think babies can’t inspire you. Adults do not have exclusive access to brilliant problem-solving and razor-sharp analytical abilities.

I submit this 8-month-old infant to substantiate my thesis. His parents, like their offspring, are either incredibly irresponsible or geniuses.

As the infant approaches the edge of the bed, they watch and cheer him on. Isn’t that insane? But hold on a second. This isn’t your typical newborn.

As soon as he reaches the edge, he adjusts his posture parallel to the drop-off. Then, he positions himself perfectly and reaches down with his left leg.

With the left leg safely at the bottom, he brings the right one behind it. His legs have not yet reached the floor so he shimmies his upper body and uses his core to scale down the bed.

This little genius has not yet learned to walk but he has figured out a way to leverage his yet-weak legs to solve another problem. Exquisite, isn’t it?

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