Pregnant Mom Asks Her To “Walk Like Mommy Walks” — Her Imitation Is Hilariously Accurate!

Are you familiar with the imitation game? Of course you are. Everyone has played the imitation game, whether they were a willing participant or not. It’s the game where one person copies the movements of another person and repeats everything he or she says. Super fun for the imitator, super annoying for the person being imitated.


And you know who loves playing the imitation game, almost exclusively playing the role of the imitator? Kids. Perhaps it’s because they’re still sponges that learn by copying, or perhaps it’s because they’re so pleased with themselves for figuring out a way to befuddle adults. Either way, they get a lot of practice in so they’re pretty much pros in the art of mimicry.


So when Teri O’Neil, a six-month pregnant mother, asked her adorable 1-year-old daughter Olivia “how does momma walk?” you better believe that Olivia was more than happy to demonstrate exactly how mommma walks.


Olivia arches her back and pushes out her belly as she walks very deliberately across the room. But the best part that you don’t want to miss is her facial expression! Olivia’s imitation of her pregnant mom is absolutely hilarious and way too accurate!

Watch the video below and don’t forget to share it with your family and friends!

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