Couple adopts unwanted baby. Girl’s first word to mom at airport leaves everyone in tears

Adorable little Lucy has Down syndrome and was orphaned for the first six years of her life.

Fortunately, this predicament did not last forever. Lucy was brought from China to a loving home in the United States through an adoption program. Her new family was very nervous when she finally arrived – they couldn’t be sure how their little girl would react or deal with her new surroundings, especially after living in an orphanage since birth.



Lucy’s adoptive parents, Brent and Audrey Shuk were very worried before meeting the girl. The couple were already parents to five biological children but felt they had a place in their hearts for another child

Their first meeting with Lucy takes place at the airport in Houston, Texas as Lucy arrives in her new country and family. When she arrives, she looks anxiously around her new parents, and when she finally meets them, she is overwhelmed with emotion.


Audrey rushes to meet her new daughter, who also overtook emotions. But when little Lucy says something that leaves everyone in tears. It was very hard for the little girl to say even a word, but at that moment she clearly said, “MOM”.


The story touched everyone very much,the spouses were very confused but happy

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