Mom Was Unlikely That She Would Be Able To Carry Her Own Children, Welcome Twins And Triplets

Meet the parents who were told that it was unlikely that they would ever be able to carry their own children but now they have five children. Full time mum-of-five and part time online teacher, Nadia Sherwin (29) from Dallas, Texas, USA, met her husband, Robbie (32) in 2010 through mutual friends on a trip celebrating the Fourth of July. After that they made a date and Robbie proposing a year later.


Nadia always knew that she wanted to be a mum so as soon as she and Robbie married in 2012, they started to try for a baby. After a year of struggling to conceive naturally, Nadia’s doctor became worried as they were both fit, young and healthy, so ordered some ᴛᴇsᴛs to be carried out.


It was revealed that Nadia had Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) and with 37 ᴄʏsᴛs ɪɴ ʜᴇʀ ᴏᴠᴀʀɪᴇs, it was unlikely that she would be able to carry her own children. Nadia’s eggs were unable to mature by themselves, so she started oral Femara and Clomid ᴍᴇᴅɪᴄᴀᴛɪᴏɴ for 11-months which didn’t work and left her feeling very sick. Determined, Robbie and Nadia decided to try an injectable hormone, Gonal F, and were thrilled to learn that her body responded well and fell pregnant within a month.


At er first ultrasound, the couple were overjoyed to hear they were expecting twins, Amari and Keona (now three), who were born via ᴄ-sᴇᴄᴛɪᴏɴ at 35 weeks in January 2015, weighing 5lb 2oz and 4lb 3oz respectively. Amari is the only baby that did not spend time in the Neonatal intense care unit. Keona spent 13 days at the hospital growing and learning to eat and breath on her own.”


After Amari and Keona were born, Nadia and Robbie decided they would like a sibling for their girls and started trying again immediately but as the twins were 18-months old decided to take the lowest dose possible of the injectable hormone, with the goal of having just one more baby.


Incredibly, Nadia and Robbie found out they were pregnant within a month and at her ultrasound scan were shocked to discover they weren’t expecting just one baby, but three babies. Doctors offered them the option of selective reduction for Nadia’s safety during the pregnancy but they declined, knowing that they were destined to bring three more healthy children into the world. We carried to 35 weeks and delivered via ᴄ-sᴇᴄᴛɪᴏɴ for the safety of the babies. Mila, Colette and Noah were born at 35-weeks in April 2017, weighing almost five-pounds each. The triplets were each in the Neonatal intensive care unit for 10 days, learning how to eat on their own.


Nadia and Robbie were busy being parents to five children who are all under the age of four and strangers are overjoyed to see them when the whole family go out together. Despite having their hands very much full, Nadia says that they would never rule out more children if the opportunity arose.


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