Napping Mom’s Baby Has Plans For Her Other Than Sleeping

If you look through many people’s social media feeds, parenting seems pretty straightforward. It’s filled with adorable babies wearing matching outfits. Kids are always clean, well-behaved, and smiling. They play nice with their siblings and friends, clean up after themselves, and wouldn’t think twice about breaking anything. Kids are perfect and living with them and photographing them is non-stop joy.

Let’s get real. it’s important to remember when looking at social media that people tend only to post the absolute best parts of their lives. They don’t show things that happen every day that aren’t perfect and indeed aren’t photo-worthy. If social media was to be believed, most people have happy, relaxed and carefree lives. But, since the majority of people are just average folks like you and me, we know that life is far from picture-perfect.

We know that life, especially with children is messy. It’s challenging, exhausting, and yet beautiful. It’s dirty little hands and messy hair; the lack of sleep from a crying baby or a youngster who sneaked into bed in the middle of the night — the little one that makes you question how one tiny person can take up so much space. It’s ignoring the dirty dishes in the sink to play a game and read a bedtime story, it’s endless loads of laundry and most certainly, a supreme quest for uninterrupted sleep.

What does a nap even mean? It’s a total luxury for new parents. Being able to sleep when you want to is just the best thing ever, and very fleeting. Moms and dads better sleep when they can because raising a child who wants you to play on their watch and who basically owns you (and not the other way around it seems!) can make anyone feel sleep deprived!

The mom in this video knows the struggle and she just wants a little break in the form of a short nap. But, as most parents know, babies aren’t exactly cooperative when it comes to sleep. Mom may be determined to rest but the baby is far more determined to keep her awake and soak up all of the love and attention.

She may be interfering with her parents’ sleep, but this little girl is adorable, and everyone who watches her can’t help but agree.

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